What We Do

VitaliSee reveals human potential by optimizing health and performance and preventing injuries through the power of AI.

By using the only Time-to-Event deep-learning Human System AI in the industry, VitaliSee can address the complexity, individuality, and adaptive nature of humans—including the ability to forecast who is at risk of injury, like a musculoskeletal (MSK) injury, and when that risk is most likely to become an injury.


Human Assets are the most valuable and complex military resource. Like any piece of military equipment, the Human Asset can break down over time if not properly maintained. Unlike hardware, each Human Asset is unique, improves with experience, and can have an individualized response to different variables. Response impacts may not emerge until months later—if at all—so a non-combat injury event like a musculoskeletal injury (MSK-I) can appear random and unavoidable. Non-combat injuries are the leading force impacting readiness and retention with nearly every warfighter suffering some form of injury during active duty—some being permanent—costing billions of dollars every year.

Fortunately, novel advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are changing this through Malum Terminus Technologies’ patent-pending VitaliSee™ deep-learning Human System AI platform.

Initiated via ONR Code 30 research and developed through a long relationship with the U.S. Department of Defense, VitaliSee’s core capabilities are dedicated to improving the safety, overall health, and performance of U.S. military personnel. VitaliSee’s advanced AI enables leaders, practitioners, and providers to know which warriors are at risk (WHO), WHEN the injury is most likely to occur, and WHY the risk is there.

Optimize Health & Performance and Prevent Injuries

  • Proactively intervene on warriors at risk before an injury occurs via Time-to-Event AI forecasting—improving readiness and retention.
  • Prevent missed duty days instead of reacting to injuries after the fact; Speed up return-to-duty and reduce recidivism risk.
  • Know when to intervene versus mitigate an individual warfighter’s (or groups of warfighters’) injury risk instead of one-size-fits-all maintenance approaches.
  • Quantify training, conditioning, preventative care, nutritional, and treatment impacts to optimize performance.
  • Create scalable and individualized improvement plans to match warfighters to the activities and roles most suited to their skills and circumstances.


Employees are an organization’s most important asset. Unfortunately, efforts to attract, develop, and retain talent can be swept away by a single and seemingly random musculoskeletal (MSK) injury. Millions are spent implementing ergonomics, safety programs, and other important preventative steps to keep employees safe. But nearly every organization has seen healthy employees who get hurt despite doing everything “right,” while others never get hurt despite doing everything “wrong.” The reality is each employee is unique and can have individualized responses to different variables. Response impacts may not emerge until months later—if at all—so things like MSK injuries seem random and unavoidable.

Fortunately, advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are changing how organizations can address the costs and impacts of MSK injuries. Proactively know WHO to focus on, WHEN an event like an MSK injury will happen, and WHY via Malum Terminus Technologies’ patent-pending VitaliSee™ deep-learning Human System AI platform. VitaliSee’s novel AI was developed to keep U.S. Special Forces safer by preventing MSK injuries through prediction and intervention. It’s now changing how organizations prevent the impacts of workplace injuries.

Prevent Injuries and Reduce Claims

  • Improve employee health and safety, satisfaction, and retention.
  • Reduce worker compensation and other health claims.
  • Proactively intervene on employee-specific MSK injury risks—rather than reacting after the fact.
  • Plan more strategically by forecasting reserves, talent acquisition, and specific capacity.


Today’s top athletes follow scientifically advanced training regimens and nutrition plans. However, even with guidance from dedicated experts, athletes still face the constant threat of musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and other physical setbacks that affect their safety, performance, readiness, income, and non-sporting lives. What if you could know who was at risk, when an injury was going to occur, and why, so you could prevent the injury from occurring in the first place?

These questions are what fueled the breakthrough AI technology that powers VitaliSee’s core capabilities of improving the safety, performance, and overall health and wellness of athletes around the world. VitaliSee—originally designed to prevent MSK injuries for U.S. Special Forces—now gives trainers, coaches, nutritionists, and other practitioners the ability to recognize the specific athlete or groups of athletes who are at risk for an injury, when that risk might lead to injury, and why the injury risk is there in the first place.

Optimize Athlete Safety and Performance

  • Proactively intervene on athletes who are at risk before injury occurs via Time-to-Event Human Systems AI forecasting.
  • Increase performance days and extend athletic careers by avoiding MSK injuries.
  • Know when to intervene on a specific athlete vs. using a one-size-fits-all maintenance approach.
  • Speed return-to-participation times and reduce secondary injury risk.